Expert Clipping Path and Background Removal Services

Fashion Retouching Service

Fashion Retouching Service

The retouching that you see in the leading fashion, beauty & fitness magazines, as well as in the established international cosmetics brands’ promotional materials is one of the most time-consuming and elaborates retouching types requires solid knowledge of high-end retouching techniques, and months, even years for some, of hands-on practice. Even though digital painting/drawing skills are not always required, they certainly are advantageous for high-end retouches.

The photos which are taken by the photographer may not be accurate always. But, even with the worst photograph and lighting, you can turn it into a stunning masterpiece with Photo Retouching Service.  As outsourcing photo retouching is very cost effective, you can let go of the worries to shoot the best and let us work on the rest.

#Portrait Retouching

Portrait retouching is the process of getting an image ready for final presentation. This can take a variety of techniques and process, can be very subtle or dramatic but every image that you see used in advertising will be subjected to some form of enhancement, even the Real Beauty campaigns from Dove/Unilever will have undergone some retouching or digital enhancement such as dust removal and sharpening.

But retouching in a sense has been around since the very beginning of photography. Before digital photography became the norm, retouching occurred in the darkroom with over and underexposure, dodging and blurring, masking and split-toning. The main difference these days is that anyone can enhance their photography be it using readymade filters found in apps such as Instagram and Hipstamatic or on their computer using programs such as Adobe Photoshop.

#What We offer

  • Removing dust, pimples, scratches, blemishes, moles or any skin defect removal
  • Enlargement of the breast, narrowing hip, slimming if required
  • Dodging and burning for proper depth
  • Optimum brightness/contrast
  • Color correction
  • Skin softening
  • Teeth whitening

If you have any images just click the  FREE TRAIL and send us your sample, you will get a quick reply with a warm reception. We can also reach at a suitable price if you have bulk order.