Expert Clipping Path and Background Removal Services

Image Restoration Service

Image Restoration Service

Image Restoration is the process of taking a corrupt/noisy image and estimating the clean, original image. Corruption may come in many forms such as motion blur, noise and camera mis-focus. Image restoration is performed by reversing the process that blurred the image and such is performed by imaging a point source and use the point source image, which is called the Point Spread Function (PSF) to restore the image information lost to the blurring process.

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Image restoration is different from image enhancement in that the latter is designed to emphasize features of the image that make the image more pleasing to the observer, but not necessarily to produce realistic data from a scientific point of view. Image enhancement techniques (like contrast stretching or de-blurring by the nearest neighbor procedure) provided by imaging packages use no a priori model of the process that created the image.

Sometimes images become old when it’s kept for a long period.T hen its look very odd and bad. Sometimes images can be damaged or poorly exposed. So if you want to give a new look of your images you need photo restoration services and clipping studio BD is a perfect place to do this.

Photo restoration service is related to cropping the image, color correction of the image, tone correction, and also sharpening the image. Photo restoration service also includes correcting serious damage from the images like scratches, rips, and also staining.

#What We offer

  • Removing dust, pimples, scratches, blemishes, moles or any skin defect removal.
  • very natural retouching keeping the original view of images.
  • Dodging and burning for proper depth.
  • Optimum brightness/contrast.
  • Color correction.
  • Skin Softening.
  • Teeth whitening.

If you have any images just click the FREE TRAIL  and send us your sample, you will get a quick reply with a warm reception. We can also reach at a suitable price if you have bulk order.